Hi, I'm Polina
I teach women in midlife how to overcome their body aches, stiffness, facial ageing and anxiety so they feel and look amazing, have more confidence in their body and face, thrive in their relationships and careers, and have joy and purpose in their life.
I am a fully certified, professionally trained Pilates teacher, 500 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher and an accredited Face Yoga instructor, with a combined 15 years experience making women look and feel their best.
I went from a burnt-out marketing executive suffering with hormonal imbalance, low back pain, body stiffness, face tension and anxious mind to becoming a Pilates, Yoga and Face Yoga teacher who has worked on herself to heal the low back pain, improve flexibility, rejuvenate the face and gain more serenity and hormonal balance.
I was always a very active child running, climbing trees and playing sports in my early teens (volleyball is still my first love) although at university, partying and studying took priority so my physical activities began to dwindle in early adulthood.
I moved countries in my early twenties arriving in the UK from Central Aisa, and suddenly found myself in the busiest financial centre of the world - London! I absolutely loved my job and the buzz of the big city with all the opportunities that came with it. The marketing job was a dream but the lifestyle absolutely terrible! I was working long hours doing what I loved but the office sedentary lifestyle was slowly turning me into a total wreck. I was sitting far too much at my desk and not really tuning into myself enough to notice when I would get anxious or overwhelmed by stress or the responsibilities of a busy office.
There was no time for stretches or workouts as I felt exhausted at the end of the work day and a weekend walk or bike ride was simply not cutting it to improve my health.
Constant hip and low back pain followed me around and no matter how many times I went to see osteopaths, it was merely putting a bandaid on something that was never going to get better because my lifestyle and my health habits were not changing!
I remember one day, in the depths of winter, thinking that I felt very old. I was barely in my early 30s and yet I felt mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. I had to do something. I googled exercises for low back pain and was directed to try Pilates which I had heard of but remember how it hurt my neck when trying a class in the local gym the year before. I wanted a different setting, where I could work one to one with someone to supervise me and show me how to do it properly. I was extremely lucky to have found an amazing Pilates trainer (thank you Alan Herdman) and in a few months the difference in how my body felt was amazing. All the stiffness and aches were gone and I felt so much calmer, more energetic and stronger.
The transformation was so profound that in 2011, I trained to become a Pilates teacher so I could benefit other people in the same way.
Yoga has come into my life at the time when I found myself struggling with mood swings, overactive mind and doing too much. Yoga helped me develop self-care practices that led me to slow down and listen to the needs of my body, calmed down my mind and set my spirit free. I felt the yoga transformation in every cell of my body and was so encouraged by the progress I made in even the shortest period of time, that I did my 500 hrs yoga training in 2020 and have since been passing on yoga and meditation benefits to others in group and private settings.
In my early 40s, my body was feeling strong and vibrant with the Yoga & Pilates based personal practice, but my face felt tense and started to show first signs of ageing - small lines, slackening of the jaw and wrinkles on the neck were definitely not welcome! I wanted to find a natural solution to keep my face looking glowing, radiant and tension free, so this made me think - why not exercise the face in the same way as I do my body? After all, the muscles don’t stop at the neck! This is how I found Face Yoga and fell in love with the natural workout for the face muscles that strengthens and tones all the facial muscles and relaxes tension. After completing my training, I have been teaching women how to age naturally and gracefully with effective self-care practices for face strengthening, massage, acupressure and relaxation that make them look radiant, feel confident and connect to themselves on a deeper level.