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Personalised Face Fitness Program

Private Coaching

  • 1 hour
  • 110 British pounds
  • Online

Service Description

Your Personal Face Fitness Program created by me in collaboration with you, to address your facial ageing concerns and worries. It includes an initial one hour online consultation (usually done on zoom ) where I will work with you to assess what exercises, massage and tension release techniques your face requires, to be able to create a face fitness plan that is specific to your face and needs, to take your face to the next level. 🌸 Save yourself hours trolling through internet trying to find the exact techniques and videos you think you need to do but still not sure you're doing it correctly or whether or not you're doing the right exercises ! My trained professional eye will be able to spot which areas of the face need that bit of extra support and will offer the right exercises and support accordingly. 🌸 The structure includes: - One hour consultation on zoom (you must be willing to video call so I can see your face and assess what needs to be done). - Questionnaire you need to complete before the consultation, with photos of the problem areas submitted (photos are only for my professional reference and to aid with the assessment). - One video that I will produce after our initial meeting and send to you post consultation which will include all the techniques you need to do to achieve your goals with explanations and demos. - A follow-up 15 mins phone call (or video call) to clarify any exercises and to celebrate progress made (timings will depend on when you need this most). 🌸🌸🌸

Upcoming Sessions

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